Tuesday, January 25, 2011

'The Notebook'

Seriously, I will never get tired of watching 'The Notebook', over and over again. I mean, the storyline is just amazingly fascinating. The way they fall in love with each other, and how they survive their life after being separated. The love, the patience, and the reality of life. I have learnt all of this just by watching this movie and it has always made me cry. Aaahh ignore me the sensitive person! I don't know for how many times I have watched this love-story movie yet I still want to watch it.

This afternoon, after class and a short outing with my friends for lunch, I watched this movie once again. I also print-screened the part when Noah and Allie quarreled, and I just love the words spilled by Noah. 


Noah and Allie <3 I'm touched.

This is only a part of this movie, there are more flowery words and romantic scenes contained. Wait, did I say 'romantic scene'? :p

'The Notebook' is filmed based on the novel which entitled the same. As always, novel-inspired-movies are fascinating as ever! 'Dear John', 'P/S I Love You', and many other romantic love story novels that then created as movies  are terrifyingly-damn-great to read and watch. 

footnote: Dear Love, I think I am falling in love with you again. <3


6 pills taken.:

iamtain said...

oh mekjasss...mgpkah??

Mcjust said...

eh mg tak penah tgk ko cito ni? :DD

iamtain said...

malah nk oyk nt mg gelak laju2 pulak...hahaha XD
aku cte avatar pn bru nengok semalam :D ngeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Mcjust said...

hahahahahaha apa la mg!!

Unknown said...

byk kali aku ulang tgk cter ni.. :)

.::WaNiE::. said...

menonton citer ini adalah menangis kehkehkeh