Saturday, August 04, 2012


I've been thinking about a lot of things lately, and have no idea how to express them. Going on my mind. I try to measure life, and it all brings me back to the most basic moment. The moment when you stop breathing.

Somehow, not everyone is able to be living their dream and some are just lucky enough to do the things they like. The rest of them, they must try to love their job in order to survive this world.

Nevertheless, I keep thinking of what is my most likely achievable and possible dream. I don't know, and I'm not sure. Plus, if some other time in the future I found my dreams; will I be able to fullfil them? Or I'm just going to keep them until the day I die.

I think I'm just going with the flow. Surely I have desire to get what I want (in material);  but I really don't know what I want in life. Love, Success, Happiness. Other than that? 

Two things that never stop going on my mind.

Dreams and Death

Both are exactly opposite to each other, and only God knows when will I meet them.


0 pills taken.: