Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pap Smear; It answers all my questions since I was 11.

This morning, while I was searching for the scientific definition of coitus (medical dictionary), I found a link which directly brought me to the most educational images I ever viewed. Whoooaaaa..

The definition of coitus itself clearly states that it is a sexual intercourse, and I learnt this new vocab 'coitus' from the tv series The Big Bang Theory. My favourite. ;)

Back to the main topic, I have been wondering what the heck is Pap Smear? Since I was eleven, I read articles in magazine about pap smear and at that age, who would have known about medical thingy? When I was little, I loved reading too much until every book and magazine in my house would be finished reading by me. *Oh is this sentence correct or not? NVM.

Now, reading the articles I found has made me understand what is the whole thing about Pap Smear. Want me to tell you? Naaah. Please read it by yourselves, don't be too lazy to read.

Intro: Pap smear or also called pap test, is the method of checking for changes in the cells of our cervix (for ladies). What is cervix? The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens into the vagina (birth canal). Let me give you an image so that you can understand clearly where is the cervix located.

Beautiful cervix, right? 

Pap smear or the scientific name; Papanicolau Test, is the best way to detect cervical cancer. It is a microscopic examination of cells taken from the cervix. For ladies who practice free sex, smoking, or have sex at early age, they are likely to have high risk of getting cervical cancer.

It is important for women and ladies to know about Pap Smear because using this method, we can check our cervix cell. It's cancer, okay? What is way more dangerous than a fatal disease? Pap smear is recommended for ladies starting at the age of 21, and this test should be repeated every 2 years.

Have a better understanding about this? Yeah you're welcome.
Below are the technique of how the doctor does his thingy... Haha!

Please click read more to view the images. (View at your own risk)

By the way, fellas, I don't have problem sharing this knowledge because it is educational. Everyone should know this especially ladies.

  1. Metal speculum is used to open the vagina.
  2. The wooden Aylesbury spatula is used to collect a sample of the cells from the endocervix.

  1. An endocervical brush is being swiped in the os of the cervix.
  2. The cells gathered on the brush and spatula will be wiped/smeared on a glass slide.
  3. Then the cells will be examined in a lab under a microscope to look for abnormalities.

After this, everybody should have clearer information about Pap smear. These are links for more details and guides on Pap smear

Link 1, Link 2, Link 3,
Images (I love this website! Amazingly well-experimented, this is the one I stated earlier at this post)

Footnote: I love biology but I hate physics, and I can't stand blood. That's why I don't apply for science studies.


5 pills taken.:

efa fairuz said...

tak sakit pun pap smear :p beranak lagi sakit... hehehe

Mcjust said...

mg dh penah wt ke kak?

Mat Yus said...

mestila penah..lepas beranak memang kene wat.. pastu kene selalu cek, seeloknye 3 bulan sekali..

Mcjust said...

oooooooo eh ni akaun sape ni? haha!

efa fairuz said...

wahahaha.. akaun matyus..aku baru perasannnn =)) kahkahh