April 6, 2010 - April 6, 2011
The sadness and sorrow of our little family.
We lost our precious abah and only mama had chances to be with him at his last seconds of life. Mama accompanied abah until his very last breath. Abah said that he felt really amazed, and he admired mama's strength, and loyalty.
I don't know what else to say. I can't read all those entries about abah if not my tears will flood again.
Luckily all my siblings have our own blog and we wrote about our loss, so we can read them again in the future when we forgot things little by little..
3 pills taken.:
losing someone also has good point.
it is to let we appreciated them more when they are away.
don't forget the things he do to you.the kindness.the scold.the bebelan. :)
tq hasmie....... ;))
huuuuu T___T
haritu aku teringat melodi abah sokmo selawat.. kan abah selawat dr org lain.. aku pun selawat mcm abah..sekali aku nanges.. huuu
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