As the first day of new semester, I thought the first assembly in this new year will be different, not like the previous ones. Unfortunately it turned out worse. There was a bloody lecturer who delivered speech, oh not speech, maybe nags and blabber or prattle are the right words to describe it. I thought he has changed from his bad habit; talk foolishly in front of other lecturers and students, trying so hard to make him look powerful, forceful, and mighty. He treated us the students, that if we do not do just like what he has said, then we will be punished. The 'slap' words were repeated again and again and again. Herghhhh. I think that was very inappropriate for someone who calls himself a teacher.
All I can say is it was ridiculously dreadful! The first day, the first assembly, was all joke with no fun.
Too bad that it was our first day that we had to listen to those nonsense, along with payment that we needed to do.
Why is it so hard to make old people understand that he do not gain respect by doing that thing. My sister said that he need to take a lesson in 'reverse psychology'. Funny though! Kahkahkah!
footnote: To gain respect, you need to give respect.
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