yeah I have been wasting my six free days, doing nothing and just loitering along facebook walls and blogs. I may have lost conscious about my situation now as I live an idle life for these past few days. *sigh...
this tuesday which is the day after tomorrow, I still have English Studies subject paper to answer and Social Studies on wednesday. I cannot study and read and it keeps bothering me. urghh. I hope the final exam will be over so soon that I can enjoy watching movies and not worrying about classes anymore.
footnote: sometimes I think I am a really bad student. I don't read my books and I don't revise.
2 pills taken.:
hell yeah. tired of waiting the next papers. actually, tired of looking on the books. harhar. bapak boringg! sepuluh kali aku bce dah macbeth segala mockingbird. tapi esok baru hari isnin =.=" boringnyee ahh menunggu. ohh, exams start petang pulak tu *double sigh
sofia: cant wait for holidaysssss ><
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