Thursday, November 04, 2010

bad dream

I woke up crying. I had a dream about my abah. in that dream, he knew that he was going to leave me and my family. in that dream, abah knew that he was going to leave us forever. and he seemed sad and silent, no words coming out of his mouth, at all. in that dream, I read the paper which doctor had written on about abah's body and his disease. I cried when I see abah sitting alone in front of tv in our living room. he seemed not to talk to anybody, including me. in that dream, he knew that he was going to leave us. and I cried when I see abah in that situation. I cried.

this morning, I woke up crying.


2 pills taken.:

Anonymous said...

wht hppen to ur dad?
its jz a nitemare..
trust me notin wil hppen k

Mcjust said...

macy: my abah is already gone.. :'(