I wish I was the best student in my high school
I wish I was the top scorer in my high school
I wish I was the most brilliant girl in my high school
it's not that I don't like being me
it's just that I want to know how do they feel; how do the great students with high marks feel about their life
do they feel they are perfect?
do they feel they are genius?
typically Malaysian parents and Malaysian society see this kind of students as good.
good means you must succeed in academic field,
good means you must get straight A's in your exam,
good means you must be a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer,
then what about students who get one less A?
what about students who get second place in class as exam result?
what about students who don't do medic, engineering, and law?
are they bad students?
are they stupid?
are they useless?
frankly speaking, I hate the typical thinking styles of Malaysian people,
yeah. why? because,
being excellent in studies do not create you a mankind,
being genius do not make you a kind-hearted person,
being briliant do not create you a down-to-earth person.
that's why,
sometimes I'm curious how do this type of students feel.
the genius, the best, the most brilliant ones.
how do they feel?
as for me,
I'm just a very normal person,
an average student,
and I don't do professional jobs,
I take TESL course,
and I am happy with it.
because I know ten years or twenty years later,
I'm not gonna be busy with bodies to operate,
I'm not gonna be busy with buildings to build,
I'm not gonna be busy with cases to win,
and I'm not gonna be busy until I don't have time for my family
yes, I love doing this. I love being a teacher trainee.
I don't need to care about people with typical thinking.
I don't bother you.
the most important thing that people with such mentalities should know is;
doctors, engineers, and lawyers, are once students at schools.
and school is where teachers do their duties.
footnote: FYI, TESL course only has 4 subjects! :p
5 pills taken.:
bijop! hk ni paleng bijop skali. 1000 hits LIKE!
kira: bahhahahaha if only ado butang like brapo2 kali....
kehidupan budak nerd mcm gampang..haram x enjoy langsung! aku suka hidup aku skarang!walawalabeybeh!!!
arief: sekarang anda adalah teacherrrrrrr :D
i love ur words as well... dan kenyataan ana sgt betulll...!
tak perlu kerja berat2, belajar berat2, sehingga waktu untuk family tak ada. as long as kita berilmu, pasti dihormati semua:D
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